Are you tired of wondering if the person you're speaking with is who they say they are, or an entirely different person on this one day of the week where we gather together under the Christian banner? I am.
Have you wondered if going to church is a necessary exercise or just a boring habit you do because you're supposed to? I have.
Have you wonderered what your life would be like without church; and came to the conclusion that it would be better?
I believe every Christian comes to a place in their life when they start to wonder if the weekly gathering is really a necessary part of their life. Maybe the questions begin because they're bored with the experience. Maybe the weeks pass by without attending a service and you don't notice a change in your life. Maybe you've done something you're ashamed of and decided to not go back. Maybe something terrible has happened to you and you withdrew from God's house and the people that claim to follow Him.
I've been through every situation I listed above, and each time I stopped going to church. I didn't notice a big difference right away, but over time (and in hindsight) I saw what church did to me. It made me a better person. Some people attend church weekly out of habit, and it is nothing more to them than an exercise in puffing themselves up or fooling themselves into thinking that they're ok.
I go to church because I know that the sermon I will hear will contain truth, conviction and good news (if they don't find another church). I go to church because there are a few people there that encourage me in my daily life to be the best person I can be...not the most successful, but the best. I go to church because I need it.
Why do you attend (or not attend) church?
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago