There is a huge dividing line in the church over how deep Christians should go in the political process. On one extreme there's the group of Christians that are hesitant to vote; and on the other side there are Christians who want to overwhelm the political landscape with Christian leaders and politicians. Which side is right? Is there a right side? What does the Bible say about it?
First, there are some major flaws in the "stay out of the world" approach to politics. If Christians don't get involved in politics then only the secular people will vote and influence our country - I don't think that's what God wants for us. Some of the people in this camp will misquote Jesus' quote when he says "give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." Christ was talking about doing your duty as a citizen and paying your taxes, He wasn't stumping for His followers to withdraw from the political process!
When it comes to actually becoming a politician, the waters get a little murkier. To be a Christian politician is a very difficult task, for you must follow God's standards for Christian living while trying to win in a political system that encourages lying, cheating, humiliation and slander. If you want to look for a Christian politician who's been corrupted by our system, look no further than our President.
I'm seriously considering running for office of some kind, I'm just not sure what office or when. Do you have any thoughts to share on Christian politicians?
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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