UPDATE: We bought a new car! We got a beautiful blue 2003 Dodge Durango from CarMax; and we had a -great- car-buying experience. I highly recommend CarMax to anyone.
THOUGHT: I hate that I like the new Miley Cyrus song, "See you again"
UPDATE: I "upgraded" my phone to an old Blackberry (Blackberry 7250), it's fun. :)
THOUGHT: The movie Baby Mama is HILARIOUS!! "(pump fists on both sides of head) WOO WOOO!" ... LOL
UPDATE: Ali is 8 weeks old today and is the cutest baby ever...I love her more than anything in the world (besides Kathy)
THOUGHT: Great point from Pastor Chris' sermon - "A great way to find out what areas in your own life that you're struggling in is to take account of the faults you consistently point out in others."
UPDATE: My sis is in town and got to meet Ali, very cool to see my sis again
THOUGHT: I highly recommend that all of my friends have babies - they will break your spirit and crush all of your selfish tendencies and you'll be a better person because of it. :)
UPDATE: I'm sort of moving towards managing my own project at work - very very cool
THOUGHT: Whoever said that your dreams stop when you have a kid is an f-ing idiot. My dreams have only gotten bigger
UPDATE: I am embracing/dealing with my inner nerd
THOUGHT: I love spoiling my wife
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago