I released a new web site today at http://zencart2.com. This web site is basically a fan-site of the new Zen Cart 2.0 and it comes complete with forums, articles and a way for the Zen community to discuss the latest iteration of Zen Cart amongst themselves.
I'm stoked that I was able to merge WordPress and phpBB, that was a pretty difficult process but I got it working! :D
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
Hi there,
Tried to post a comment on your new zencart2 site, but got no confirmation or anything, so just in case...
Just wondering if you have ever tried ZenMagick (a Zen Cart add-on) http://www.zenmagick.org/ ?
It comes with pretty much everything that ZenCart has been promising plus more.
I'd be happy about any constructive feedback (good or bad) to help improve the code.
Cheers, mano
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