Monday, February 13, 2006

Kathy Freeman

When I talk to Kathy I throw out the phrase "You're Amazing" a lot - I wanted to expand a little bit on that:

She's gorgeous
She's funny
She's godly
She has a great heart
She has a loveable personality
She's smart (*cough* nerd! *cough*)
She's a leader
She is independent - she doesn't need me or anyone else; and that's so cool!
She's caring
She rocks my world

I just sum all that up with "You're Amazing."


Kathy B. said...

That is like the best thing that I've ever read! I can't wait to see you!

Mandamarie said...

I have to agree...she is pretty amazing. I can definitely say she's the best roommate I've ever had the privilege to live with! She's also a faithful friend who loves to do lots of little nice acts of service for the people she loves. She can be funny and serious at the same time- she can expound the depths of the love and character of God, and then turn around and make a joke about farts. :) (I hope she doesn't kill me for that one!)