My girlfriend Kathy Freeman is so amazing! She left Lancaster for Chicago three years ago, she struck out on her own to leave a bad situation behind. She has become independent; she is a strong and courageous woman that is able to put her fears behind her and work for what she wants. It is such a blessing for me to have someone like Kathy by my side because I can look to her in times of trouble for encouragement and support.
What inspired me to write this blog now? Well...she's about to start her own business! I am so excited for her, I can't wait to see God just bless her socks off with this new endeavor. I know that she will be an upright, godly businesswoman and that God will bless her efforts. Kathy Freeman is a Proverbs 31 woman: noble, kind, caring, works with eager hands and a natural leader. Proverbs 31:30b tells us that a woman like Kathy is to be praised, so I'm letting the world know that I'm blessed to know her and I'm letting Kathy know that I'm here for her in good times and bad.
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
Thank you Babe! That is such an encouragement to me. You are absolutley amazing!
You should post a new blog, everytime I check your page to see if there's something new, I blush...
Alex, I just found your blog. I was a friend of your mom and dad in MD before they married, and I met you and Kara before hubby and I moved away. I was wondering if you could contact me via email so I could chat.
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