Random Facts About Alex
I saw someone that did this and thought it was a great idea. So here's a few random facts about me in no particular order...
1. I have always been the guy girls cry on, not about
2. I don't mind that at all
3. I do not like "manly" things like shooting, fighting or wrestling. You're stronger than me, get over it.
4. I enjoy randomly complimenting people because I know how much encouragement means to people...I'm really not flirting with you.
5. I thought "Titanic" was a great movie...I've seen the second half of that movie over twenty times
6. I have terrible luck with cops, I've been pulled over about nine times
7. I've only gotten three tickets, cops just enjoy pulling me over to search my car
8. I sing in my car when I'm alone
9. I believe people when they say the see ghosts...but I think people are being fooled into seeing things that don't exist
10. I almost never get angry, but I get annoyed easily
11. I have almost no compassion for the homeless, and that's not a cool thing
12. I have never met a celebrity
13. I am a virgin and proud of it
14. I've been propositioned for sex like five times...thanks but no thanks
15. I am not gay
16. I don't respond well to compliments, they make me awkward
17. I think marriage is an awesome thing and I would love to get married someday
18. ...but I'm afraid of getting hurt by a divorce so I shy away from all relationships
19. I was extremely suicidal when I was 16
20. I was a fat kid for about two years and had to develop a personality and humor to make chic friends
21. Then I lost the weight, got pretty and my friendships faded because it got weird
22. When we were growing up me and my sister were best friends
23. Now we hardly talk to each other...
24. Of all the relationships in my lifetime that have collapsed, my sisters' is the one I'm most ashamed of
25. I think smokers are disgusting and unattractive
26. I had a bad experience with an alcoholic relative when I was 12 years old and bowed I would never drink
27. I broke that vow when I was 18 and hated myself for it for months
28. I have a gambling problem - I usually win and that doesn't help at all
29. I have a thing for funny girls
30. Some guys are "leg" guys, I'm an "eye" guy
31. I enjoy hiking but pretend I don't because I'm lazy
32. I only date Christians
33. I view money as simply a tool and not something to be desired
34. I've seen people throw their lives away in pursuit of money
35. I was one of those people
36. I am very shy if I'm in a new surrounding
37. I am the life of the party if I'm comfortable
38. I have no compassion for self-mutilators
39. I am a news junkie
40. Really loud noises make me blink
41. Baby blue is my favorite color
42. I love rap music
43. I hate hard-core, screaming music
44. I don't believe in love at first sight
45. I don't believe there is "the one" for me
46. I can't stand raisins
47. I drink way too much soda
48. I forgot my mom's birthday this year
49. If I brought my step-brother to Christ I could die happy
50. I would die if that's what it took for him to be saved
51. I would die if that's what it took for my sister to be saved
52. I think President Bush has done a great job
53. I think "global warming" is a hoax
54. I would rather hang out with a funny girl than a "sexy" girl
55. If I tease you I'm comfortable around you
56. If I ignore you then you intimidate me
57. I cry watching emotional movies...I'll leave the room before I break down tho
58. I do my best to avoid movies with nudity
59. I will not swim in the same pool as girls with two-pieces on...I'm not strong enough
60. I think I'm good-looking
61. I don't think I deserve any credit for it...I had no choice in the matter
62. Girls that flaunt their bodies disgust me
63. Guys that stare at girls like meat disgust me
64. Sometimes I stare at girls like meat and disgust myself
65. I love playing sports even though I'm not very good at any of them
66. I love watching sports with other people, never alone
67. I would rather go to a baseball game than watch it on TV
68. I never want to be a celebrity
69. I look up to my dad
70. I am scared of the dark
71. I am scared of heights but love roller coasters
72. Fake people amuse me, I pity them
73. I was told I was a great actor because I became the character
74. I had a hard time going back to being me so I quit acting
75. I live in holy fear of straying off the narrow path into a life of promiscuity and emptiness
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
Random Facts about Kathy
1. I have always been the girl who's just like a little sister.
2. It bugged the hell out of me until recently.
3. I do not like the idea of being "today's woman". I don't watch sex and the city and I don't watch desperate houswives.
4. I love being around people who are encouraging and that believe in me because I have a hard time believing in myself.
5. I love old musicals, especially "Hello Dolly" and anything with Judy Garland.
6. I pay way too much for my car.
7. I love my car. It is an absolute blessing.
8. I sing everwhere I go.
9. I like spooky things like "Unsolved Mysteries" but I cannot sit through a scary movie for the life of me.
10. I used to get angry before I would cry, now it's the other way around.
11. Jesus said, "what you do unto the least of these, you do unto me."
12. I am dating a celebrity.
13. I love my husband...whoever he is.
14. I'm excited to share that moment with him when I know that it's him.
15. I never doubted.
16. I don't respond well to compliments because I feel like their is always something attached.
17. I think marriage is an awesome thing and I would love to get married someday
18. I believe it is a choice to love someone for the rest of your life and that it may be a choice you have to make every single day.
19. Is there anyone who hasn't "almost" committed suicide?
20. I gained weight because of a lazy boyfriend.
21. Then when we broke up, I got a whole lot more attention from guys then when I was skinny. Must of been the confidence.
22. When we were growing up, me and my brother hated each other, he resented me because he thought I was the favorite, I resented him because I was ignored for his "problem".
23. Now I love him so much it some times hurts.
24. I have yet to grieve all of the lost relationships in my lifetime.
25. I used to be addicted to cigerettes because I thought they calmed me down.
26. I've had a couple of bad experiences with alcohol but none of them have made me reconsider drinking mainly because I come from a fake legalistic church community who blamed everything on alcohol and I can't drink more than one glass anyway so there is no chance of me personally getting drunk. Jesus drank wine.
27. I respect people who don't drink for personal reasons but it makes me feel guilty when I want to drink.
28. I hate gambling with a passion and would never do it.
29. I ahve a thinig for tall guys.
30. I am an "arm" girl.
31. I enjoy swimming but don't do it as much as I would like to because I don't believe in indoor pools but I live in Chicago.
32. I only date Christians
33. I veiw money as evil and wish that we could go back to bardering if that was the way that society ran I would be rich.
34. I love simplicity.
35. Except when it comes to cute clothes and shoes.
36. People laugh at me when I tell them I used to be shy and that I am shy at first.
37. I am the life of the party if I'm comfortable
38. Compassion is one of the most important things to me. It is very difficult for me when there is someone that I cannot have compassion for. I get royally ticked when people don't have compassion for others just because they have no idea what it's like.
39. I'm addicted to blogging
40. When I talk on the phone to people I'm not close with I sound like I'm professional.
41. I am stumped when people ask me my favorite color.
42. I love music from the 40's.
43. I hate punk, especially emo.
44. I'm not physically attracted to someone until I am attracted to who they are.
45. I get scared of sharing my life with someone for the rest of my life. I'm get scared of the thought of not sharing my life with someone for the rest of my life.
46. I can't stand mushrooms
47. I've given up drinking soda at least 4 times in the past two years.
48. I was born 7 days after my mom's b-day.
49. If I could bring my dad to Christ I would die happy.
50. I would die if that's what it took for him to be saved
51. I would die to have a relationship with him.
52. I don't like talking about politics.
53. I don't believe in war. Jesus never found it nessacary.
54. I would rather be with a man that respected me than a man that "wanted" me.
55. You can tease me as long as it doesn't hurt.
56. I believe verystrongly in communication. Just look at my phone bill.
57. I cry at commercials, that's anothert reason I don't watch TV.
58. I don't like movies that are sad or too violent.
59. I will not were a two peice swimsuit or a belly button peircing.
60. Sometimes I like how I look and sometimes I don't, but most of the time I do.
61. Good Genes
62. Girls that let men devalue them make me sad.
63. Girls that think that's ok make me mad.
64. I used to be one of those girls.
65. I used to be sporty when I lived in so cal.
66. I don't really like watching sports on TV but I like going to games at stadiums and stuff.
67. I really enjoyed watching the Cubs beat the Dodgers and I don't know why.
68. I'm tired of people telling me to go on American Idol.
69. I wish I could see my dad more.
70. I am scared of bugs.
71. NEVER pretend your hand is a bug crawling on my neck, I will sock you in the face.
72. I get frustated when people hide behind their false persona's.
73. I always wanted to be a theater major.
74. But I valued my faith and morals too much.
75. I live everday by faith and gratitude but I wish that I were more deserving.
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