There are many different ways to categorize love. I'll focus this blog on one way to categorize love: selfish love and selfless love.
Selfish love is your love for something because it gives you pleasure, comfort or security. I love soft tacos. I love money (in a healthy way). I love having a steady job. These are all selfish loves, I would only give up something of lesser value to me for a soft taco, more money or a better job. I wouldn't pay more than five dollars for a taco; I wouldn't compromise my morals for more money and I wouldn't move away from loved ones for a better job.
Selfless love is something entirely different; selfless love means you lay down your pride and selfishness to do something for another person. You can witness selfless love is Christs' death, a friend going out of his way to help you or marriage on a day-to-day basis.
Marriage is a unique love; you are becoming one with another person. Your decisions no longer affect yourself, they affect you and the one you love. Your mistakes, your issues, your downfalls, your blessings, your gifts and the risks you take no longer affect just you - they also affect the one you love. You must be selfless to have a successful marriage. This is not to say that you must be a doormat or forfeit your desires, but now you must take into consideration what affect your dream-chasing is going to have on your love.
Please, share your thoughts with me.
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
Great Blog. As a married man, I have to say that it's so true! Every decision you make affects the other person. Even down to the little things! Selflessness is extremely important. But, what it all comes down to is value. If you, even for a second, value yourself and your dreams more than your significant others', then a reevaluation is in order. I've seen this happen in relationships before, and the tug-of-war that ensues rips the relationship apart!
When it comes to compromise in a relationship, remember what's at stake. If you truly love the other person, then you'll do what must be done. If you think you'd be better off not, then don't do it, but remember... you can't have your cake and eat it too!
Lol, sorry for the little addition, but I don't hear this talked about very often, when it comes to relationships with people. You hear it in sermons about your relationship with God (which is extremely important), but it also applies to a marriage or engagement-style relationship. Thanks for the blog, bro
Baby don't hurt me...don't hurt more.
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