During the course of me and Kathy's relationship we have been blessed continually by people taking the time to share their hearts with us and pass on some of their thoughts regarding our relationship. The hard part is what to do with the ideas or concerns expressed to us. Now that me and Kathy have taken the next step and are on our way to marriage, the words of wisdom are pouring in! We get thoughts on how to stay pure, what married life is going to be like, how we're going to change, what kind of reception we should have, and dozens of other topics. We talk about a majority of the conversations we have with others and talk about how we can incorporate that wisdom into our relationship.
However, there are a few things that people say that we don't agree with and do not follow. If we do not follow through with your advice or adhere to your guidelines for our relationship, neither one of us is minimizing your input or devaluing your friendship. We both sincerely want to hear your thoughts so we can continue to improve and refine our relationship and plan the best wedding we can!
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
1 comment:
Here's some advice you must follow:
You are not allowed to buy a plasma TV without checking with your wife. And getting her permisson. If you do buy a plasma TV against her wishes, she then has permission to purchase something of similar value. (Sorry, I have heard of many husbands and wives going through this lately!)
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