Why should me and Kathy wait until next year to get married?
We started joking around with the idea of getting married in September-but I can't think of a reason NOT to! Anyone? Talk some sense into me! alex.branning@gmail.com
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
#1 reason, I might not have my dress by then...
LOL I like response #1
What about a compromise -
Nov. or Dec. ?
I agree with Hannah. First seek council from your parents and those in spiritual authority over you. Second, COMPLETE pre-marital counseling. If all of that goes well, and the Lord is leading you to an earlier date, I don't see a problem with it. I base my comment on minimal amount of info.
Alex, I don't know how to post my name to my comment...but I am "anonymous" from above at 3:27. Kristie Moss
I would seek God. Pray nonstop if you have to, He will respond. I would also advise looking into options for both wedding oportunities. Maybe the wedding you can have now will appeal more than the wedding you can have in a year or vise versa. You two know your relationship, know what you can or can not handle. I agree with Kris get counseling, even a little bit will pay off.
Two months away...oh my. Is that enough time for marraige counseling? If not, I say wait and do the counseling, because I belive that is supper important.
And then on to selfish reasons...
I maynot be able to get more time off for this year but next year my days off start all over again..yeah.
Back to being unselfish. If you decide to do in Sept or this year I will make sure that I can be there...no matter what I have to do.
WAIT!!!! As far as I can see you are both young and need some time. The fact that you blog about your personal issues of your relationship tells me that you need time to grow up. You should be talking these issues over with those older and wiser then you not blogging it for the world to read. These issues are not to be taken lightly. But it seems you think they are. Be careful.
Here's a reason: Our church will not marry you unless you have had six months of premarital counseling. I think it's a wise plan.
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