Man, is it great to be back in sunny California! I have a good job out here (I'm not sure yet how good of a job it is, we'll see as time goes by), my business is doing good and I'm hopping back in the political game. Me and Kathy have a *great* apartment in Lancaster, we absolutely love it. Kathy did an awesome job decorating the place (of course), pictures will be up soon.
Our marriage is different now. In Illinois, I relied on Kathy for support; out here the roles have reversed because of our friends situation. It's not bad, it's just different - arguably healthier. Married life is great and I love it; but man is it hard work! I can't imagine what Kathy goes through living with me! :P
Me and Kath are looking for a church out here, we really want to find a small, stable church where we can feel close to a lot of people (and not just a number) and be fed on a regular basis. I have a great community with a lot of the people at Christian Life Assembly, but I'm not sure that's where God wants us to worship right now. We're looking at a few places right now, we'll be attending Quartz Hill Community this weekend, if you're interested I'll let you know what I think of it after we go.
I am so, so happy to be back and be able to hang out with all my friends! I missed so many people, I need to work to get those friendships back to being solid again. Distance and time do a lot to erode friendships, it'll take some work to get them all back. Marriage also plays a big role in friendships, I just don't have as much free time anymore!
So that's my brief update, more blogs on my deep (?) thoughts soon.
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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