Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I've noticed a disturbing tendency among Christians (myself included) to have a pirahnic effect on our sinning brothers and sisters. The trend goes like this:
  1. Christian is told they are doing wrong (assuming this is done in a helpful, constructive manner)
  2. Fellow Christians come alongside the "sinner" and remind him of wrongdoing
  3. Christians talk among themselves about the "sinner" and the sin (gossip)
  4. Process continues until "sinner" feels condemned and leaves the church, extremely hurt and definitely not in the mood to repent
The first step is not wrong; and the second step (reminding your Christian brother or sister) could also be positive if done in the right mindset, and not intended to shame. However, the gossip and constant reminder of the wrong-doing is not only harmful to the "sinner" but is detrimental to the group dynamic.

I'm posting this because I caught myself doing this very thing, and I wanted to throw it out there as a reminder: we have enough problems outside the church, let's not make church (or our church small groups) a burdensome place to be.

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