A common excuse for serving God or giving your life (back to?) God goes something like this:
I am/was a [ something negative here ] so I could never be [ positive characteristic ]
You've probably heard these or used these before; they're repeated often:
"I did some really bad things, so God doesn't want me."
"I turned my back on God, He won't accept me again."
"I really hurt someone, I'm not good enough for God."
The list goes on and on, but they're all lies. If you're using them today, know that those thoughts that you're not good enough to be accepted, loved, or used by God are all lies. God said He didn't come for the healthy; but for the sick (like you and me). God's grace is more than enough to cover over whatever you've done, cover over whatever lies you've told, forget the numerous times you walked away from Him and wash away any sins you've committed to try and hurt Him.
There's nothing you've done that disqualifies you from serving Him either. I don't care if you were/are a slut, drug dealer, murderer, porno star, liar, thief, anarchist, atheist, whatever you were it's over now and God wants to use you. I used to be a pervert (message me for more info, I'm not going to air it all out); but God is using me now despite that, and He's using me to reach out to others who are walking in the same grime I was walking in. Also, don't think of being "used" by God as something similar to a household chore - you get to lead others on a path of righteousness and witness God's power! Is there a miracle as amazing as watching God transform a life?
Don't let your pride, anger, hurt, pain, sadness, laziness or busyness get in the way of your destiny. Walking isn't good enough, run back to Christ! Bow your head and say, "OK God, I'm ready to accept your love and forgiveness, please use me." The action is easy but the effects are huge.
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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