Marriage is great; there are a lot of sacrifices you have to make (like dying to yourself, which isn't as traumatic or negative as it sounds) but they are all worth the countless rewards. In my experience, a lot I thought would be easy has turned out to be difficult and most of the things I thought would be difficult are easy; which goes to show I didn't know what to expect from marriage! :P
While I'm disappointed by the election results, I'm looking forward to watching the Democrats' circus act as they try and run things - it's already looking to be quite the show!
I wish politicians would spend more time worrying about alternative energy solutions and getting the homeless off the streets than bogus issues like flag burning amendments and the elections two years from now. If they spent as much time working to improve our security and quality of life as they currently do campaigning, they wouldn't have to campaign!
I respect an extremist who lives what they preach more than a "mainstream" citizen who doesn't do anything. Extremists who don't practice what they preach are easily ignored and usually mocked (Al Gore anyone?).
Sex is better than I could have imagined but not as important in life as I thought it'd be.
Now that they've come out with studies and videos showing fetuses experience pain after 20 weeks, it's time to criminalize abortion at least after that point (I support outlawing abortion outright but that wouldn't fly right now). I whole-heartedly think that a ballot initiative banning abortion after twenty weeks with exceptions for rape and incest would pass in I crazy?
There's too much significance placed in the words of an entertainer; and way too much attention paid to the mundane details of these people's lives. So why do I click on the stories about them?
I've come to the conclusion that not only do you become your friends, but you become what you hate.
Dying to yourself could be a good thing if you were selfish to begin with. Letting your dreams die would be a shame, don't let anyone get in the way of your dreams because settling for less won't make anyone happy.
If your significant other wants to leave, let them. If your relationship is as good as you think it is or your love as powerful as you say, they'll be back.
Sometimes you need to release your grip completely so your bond can get stronger.
There's a lot of things about God that I intellectually understand but emotionally don't like, for example I don't like all the pain and suffering the world but I realize it's completely necessary.
That's all for now! Oh, we're moving back to Cali in January (depending on me finding a job out there).
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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