Me and Kathy have decided to accelerate our plans to move back to California. We are going to be looking for jobs out there for both of us, and as soon as we feel the time is right we're moving back. That could be in January, it could be in March, it could be in June like we originally planned.
Why are we looking to move so soon? We were staying in Chicago for two reasons; the first is so Kath can have a slow, gradual withdrawal from her community out here and the second was money - we're both making good money out here. However, Kathy's friends have all grown busy and just don't have time for her anymore so the withdrawal process has already begun. Kathy came to me this weekend and said "I'm ready to move back if you are." I was willing to wait until June to move back to California, I did not want to rush Kathy out of her adopted hometown before she was ready to leave.
Please pray for us to find jobs out in California; and not just any job but a job where we can grow and enjoy going to work (at least most of the time).
Oh and yes, the March wedding is still on! :)
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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