Thursday, December 13, 2007

Great Sex is not an activity; it's a conversation

I have done a pretty extensive "study" on great sex; and I have no one to share it with! So I figured I'd blog it and let the world in on what I've found. Heck, it's a fun topic to talk about! ;)

Talking to sexually-active males, I've found two basic attitudes about it:
  1. Sex is all about me getting my orgasm
  2. Sex is all about us getting our orgasms
Neither attitude is right or wrong; they're just different. Both attitudes come out of each individual at one point or another, but one is always stronger or more prevalent. Some guys think their goal is mutual satisfaction; but they really are just after getting their orgasm and getting some encouragement along the way.

I think the difference between the two attitudes is how the sexual experience is viewed: either it's an activity for fun or a conversation between two bodies. If it's an activity, there's a goal in mind. If it's a conversation; there is a lot of "listening" and reacting to the other person's actions.

I've found the best sex is achieved when the two people are having a conversation with their bodies; the conversation can be angry, passionate, excited, love, soft, etcetera.


Unknown said...

"sex is like chinese food, it's not over till you both get your cookies."

Alex said...

LOL! Nice one babe