Many of you have been reading Kath's updates on pregnancy and getting a first-hand account of what life is like during pregnancy from her perspective - it's time for the life of pregnancy from a man's perspective!
I get sporadic questions from my guy friends; and they all seem to fit under three categories (guys don't need to know a lot, we just need the basics).
Life Around the House: In the first three months not much changes. After the morning sickness wears off the body starts changing drastically - her hips started widening, her belly grew and her feet went up like three sizes (I remember buying new shoes for her like three times). After month five, WATCH OUT! Kathy's belly grew at an astronomical pace, and her mobility went to zero. I described the change in her body to say this - my work around the house increased quite a bit, and I wasn't expecting it. It wasn't that she didn't want to do stuff around the house, she couldn't! If you're get her pregnant, be prepared to work.
Sex: Your marriage reaches a true test come pregnancy because both of you will reach your limits of sexual frustration. My desire for Kathy grew during the first three months - much to my dismay because her nauseua prevented much action. The pregnant mom's desire and ability to have sex almost comes to a complete stop; but the dad's doesn't. As the dad has to work extra hard around the house, the Mom has to work extra hard to make sure the Dad isn't too sexually frustrated. Kath has gone above and beyond to keep me satisfied, and I love her for it!
Emotions: So far the pregnancy has been an absolute BLAST! I love seeing Kathy grow and her body change to accomate Ali. The pregnancy has been really smooth, and we have had so many fun times. Kath's emotions are on a roller coaster (but not as bad as people said they'd be). The Bible says to be a leader you must be a servant; and this pregnancy has brought out the servant in me!
So that's a very quick overview of pregnancy from a man's perspective.
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
Amiable dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
Genial brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.
I can not understand the pregnancy from a man's perspective, however I can say there is a solution of tubal ligation that is called tubal reversal, its a surgical procedure that restores fertility to women after a tubal ligation.
An excellent description.
nice and great information...i like your way of thinking about pregnancy.
Thanks for sharing
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