Twenty-five things about me five years that are no longer true now! I was seventeen years old...
1. I hated my job
2. I had very few friends
3. I was depressed....very depressed
4. My goal in life was to become rich and powerful
5. I didn't enjoy church
6. I was lonely
7. I was afraid of love (and pretty much any other positive emotion)
8. I looked at porn daily
9. I drove a Ford Escort
10. I was fat
11. I felt ugly
12. I was shy around women because I was fat and ugly
13. I drank close to two liters of Moutain Dew every day
14. I didn't respect my parents
15. I didn't care about what anyone thought of me
16. I had very poor spending habits
17. I enjoyed hurting women so they could feel the pain my mom caused me
18. Me and Denny weren't close friends; I hadn't even met Kyle yet
19. I didn't want God's plan for my life - and I didn't even know what it was!
20. I cussed a lot
21. I lacked confidence in myself, but I was cocky about my abilities
22. I was angry
23. I didn't want accountability, I thought I enjoyed my life and didn't want change
24. I had no peace...
25. I had no love in my life; love was foreign to me.
At 18 years old I turned my life over to Christ and everything changed.
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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