- She is beautiful (I know they say looks shouldn't matter, but...)
- She is spunky
- She doesn't take any crap from me, which makes me become a better person
- She makes me laugh
- She's great in bed (what, it's true!)
- She's optimistic
- She loves me for me and not who she wants me to be
- She's very encouraging
- She knows how to tell me No
- She pushes me to become better
- She gives me hope when I have none
- She's extremely well organized and clean...except for her pile
- She has the greatest laugh
- She is very creative
- She can cook an amazing meal
- She has an amazing voice
- She makes our home look so warming
- She's very supportive
- Her kisses make all the pain go away
- She is going to be a great mother
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
You sure do know how to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
P.S. Leave my pile alone. grr.
whoa...too much info...ick
wow...could've done without #5
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