I've known many people who have doomed themselves to fail because of their attitude or their outlook on life. You've met them: the chronically pessimistic, the arrogant know-it-all, or the compromising "go-with-the-flow" person. All of these people fail time and time again because they set up each situation so that they have no chance BUT to fail!
The chronically pessimistic person sees life through dark glasses, blinding themselves to any positive outlook or any glimmer of hope. These people never establish healthy relationships and they are constantly worried about their few friends abandoning them or betraying them (and they rarely develop new, intimate relationships). From a Christian's point of view, these are the faithless - they may say they believe God will take care of them but in reality they don't expect anything good to come in their life. I'd pity their misery but they have dug their own ditches by either over-reacting, unforgiveness or allowing paranoia to eat them alive.
The arrogant know-it-all is the saddest of them all because this person has convinced himself that they are always right - which leaves out any possibility for growth, constructive criticism and positive change in their lives. They may vocalize a humble spirit, but their actions and attitude speak otherwise. God warns us over and over against a prideful spirit, and these people are walking examples of the consequences of this lifestyle.
Lastly, the most pathetic group in my rant is the compromising "go-with-the-flow-ers", the people that do not have the willpower to stay away from harm. With a little prodding you can get these people to do almost anything or give up on everything. *sigh*
Did I miss anything?
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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