I was reading one of the blogs on the site I'm working on now (buzznet.com) and the girl said, "I have no ambition...does that make me a bad person?". I pondered the question; and came to the conclusion that she's not a bad person - she's a dead person. What is life without ambition; without hope or without plans? I can't imagine living my life without some kind of a path to walk down; even if I know full well that my plans can and will be changed in a whim by Someone more powerful than myself.
As I walk the dirty streets of downtown Hollywood I see the remains of many dreams in the eyes of the transients begging for my leftover coins. The pathetic displays of the beggars used to annoy me; now they give me motivation to work hard so I don't become them.
A co-worker is always chasing the easiest skirt or the quickest lay; his heart is dead and his reputation is nil. That is not the life I ever wanted; nor do I want to end up like him.
Kill me before I die.
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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