I've been thinking about the power of sex, and its far-reaching implications in every aspect in our lives. You know, God made sex and He loves it because it brings two married people closer together. Satan loves sex too - because its power can be used to destroy us.
When I was in college, I hung out with self-described 'sluts' (both male and female) and got the opportunity to learn about sex and what it does to people who choose not to follow God's plan for sex. I was young, I was tired of 'religion' and I wanted to hang out with fun people so my 'posse' was the 'fun' crowd. Most of the people I hung out with were happy, bubbly and had a lot of sex (I was the odd ball that wouldn't put out, but I'll get to that later). When you got to the place where they'd open up in private about how their lives, most of them were wrecked with guilt, shame and regret over their lives; and to be honest I didn't understand their predicament. They were letting their body lead them, they satisfied every desire - how could they not be totally ecstatic about life? That brings me to the meat of my blog...
God Loves Sex
God made sex, and He wants us to have a lot of it - with our spouse. When God designed sex, He made a tool that would affect us in so many ways - physically, emotionally, psychologically, relationally and spiritually. God didn't give us any restrictions inside the marriage bed, we can do whatever we want! The sexual freedom is great, and the safety that marriage provides is breeding ground for experimentation (so don't listen to people who say sex with just one person is boring!).
Satan Loves Sex
Reviewing what we've already discussed, sex is powerful. It affects our entire persona, our entire being. The Enemy would love nothing more than to use it as a tool to destroy your life! Once you allow extra-marital sex into your life, you're in serious trouble. If you have sex before you're married, you will regret it - because you know you've done wrong (especially if you've been brought up in a religious environment). I don't need to warn you of the dangers, you know them already. Let's talk about the after-shock of immorality; the payments for your deeds. Most can rattle off the emotions that go through your mind after you're done (guilt, shame, etc) but we don't like talking about the long-term effects of sinful sex. I think that if the long-term effects of sinful sex weren't so destructive, Satan wouldn't care as much about getting us to fall in this area. The long-term effects include your children following in your footsteps, the memories, developing sexual habits that follow you into marriage (bringing your pre-determined ideas and/or favorites into your marriage could devestate your spouse) and multiple spiritual effects that I won't get in to.
Satan Hates Sex, Too
Satan hates sex because he hates successful marriages. God set up marriage as the foundation for societies, so Satan must destroy marriages to wreak havoc on society as a whole. One of his favorite targets is the marriage bed because of the power that it holds in our lives and the intimacy it develops between spouses. If you've given the enemy a foothold in your sex life, you need to watch out because he will attack your married sex life!
Your thoughts?
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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