I've been thinking about money a lot recently, and one of the main topics I've been contemplating is poverty - poverty in finances and poverty in Spirit. There are many reasons for financial poverty listed in the Bible: oppression (or fraud), misfortune, judgment, laziness, gluttony, and the acceptance of a life of poverty. All of these factors could arguably come as a direct result of your disobedience with your finances; for God commands us to give a portion of our finances away for His glory. One man put it, "poverty is holding on to your money" which may sound like an oxymoron to some, but upon further study of the Scriptures has a ring of truth to it.
One of the questions I posed to a friend who was complaining about lack of finances was, "How much money are you giving away, because I bet you need to give more away before you're blessed with more." The concept is ludicrous to those who do not understand the Biblical concept of financial wealth, but I have found it to be true in my own life.
One of the hardest lessons me and Kathy learned was to give out of our lack; or give when we have nothing to give. When I was unemployed for five weeks after moving back here on faith, I was confused and a little hurt that God would me in this situation. Kathy came up with a great idea (that I thought was a little nutty): "Let's give to God and thank Him for bringing us out here and taking care of us." I figured I'd try it, and God kept giving us great opportunities to give. After like ten interviews with no call-backs, the money dwindling to nothing and my hope almost gone, me and Kath decided to give half of our remaining monies to a friend in need. Soon afterwards (I think it was the day after) I got a call back and was hired at a *great* job! What's the lesson? You never 'do not have enough to give.' If you don't have enough to pay your bills, it's all the more reason to give!
Following the same line of reasoning, poverty in Spirit comes from not sharing what God's given you. Why would God bless you if you're unwilling to share His gifts with others? It is not in God's nature. There's so much more to say on this, but I have to get to work.
Please share your thoughts. I hope I didn't offend anyone but I pray I convicted at least one of my readers. ;)
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
Good thoughts, and I read something on this some time ago as to why people give. There are 2 types roughly.
1 is because they need to give so they can prove to others that they are good. Sort of like "Well you don't care about others... Yes I do! I donate time and money to charity twice a year!" In this way you're using it as an expectation of getting something in return ("oh she gives to charity she's such a good person!"). Of course that's not the good type of giving, you're just being selfish about it.
2 is because you want to honestly help others. You share your strength (doesn't necessarily have to be money IMO) with a disposition to kindness and compassion. Sadly money is a powerful component in poverty but is it the only one? Can you change the world by giving a man $100 or teaching him a skill?
t's such a important site. imaginary, acutely intriguing!!!
You nicely summed up the issue. I would add that this doesn’t exactly concenplate often. xD Anyway, good post…
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