While browsing the most popular religion blogs I come across a lot of atheists' blogs talking about how their beliefs are founded in 'reason' and 'scientific proof'. I thought about that for a second, and how 'reasonable' their beliefs are.
If you do not believe in a higher power you must shrug off the impossibility of matter just existing (how'd it get there?). Once you've accepted that scientific impossibility, you must then develop the faith to believe that this matter was pulled together by a force (gravity) and then "exploded" (actually expanded) into becoming our universe, earth and all. Most will tell you there is some order to this expansion (known in your science textbooks as the 'Big Bang'), but they have no idea what makes the rules or sets the order (some refer to 'nature' as being a higher power).
Now let's talk about life on earth and how it got to be what it is today. Most evolutionists (they can be different from atheists) believe that earth started in a 'primordial soup' environment, and very basic atomic elements combined with other very basic atomic elements to form the first 'living' organism (probably a protein of some kind). These mutations were advanced by an energy unseen (probably the sun and/or lightning) and continued in a rapid succession on a path to advanced life forms.
Fast-forward a few million years and our earth is now filled with basic organisms. There is one thing missing: intelligence. Where does intelligence come from? Let's ignore this huge gap and continue on our evolutionary journey. We have now made the jump from the most basic of life forms to a fish (granted, this took somewhere in the neighborhood of millions of years). For this to be possible, there must be an addition to the gene pool of the specimen. You can not get a more advanced specimen without there being a positive, beneficial and gene-increasing mutation. How can an organism make its way down the evolutionary path without accumulating more information/materials/genetic structure? Has this transformation ever been witnessed in a scientific lab? No.
I could go on and dissect every claim, every necessity for the evolutionary tale to have some merit but I'll stop here.
Read more at evolutionisimpossible.com.
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
1 comment:
Aren't you supposed to capitalize the E in Earth? I actually had to look that one up... But there is no concrete evidence!
My problem with these arguments, along with any argument about where humans derive from, is that there are no answers, only questions.
Hah I just thought of something cool... Wait it's already been thought of. You know The Matrix... when you die, you wake up or "self-actualize." Ok I have gone overboard.
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