Unfortunately I can't pick up the phone and call everyone back home and let them know how I'm doing, so this blog will have to suffice for now. In short, I'm doing *great*! I have a great job with a Christian boss from church and a Christian co-worker; the job is challenging, lucrative, entertaining, fun and I'm learning a lot! So that's a blessing for sure! I'm working at a small company called Mbira, they run multiple web sites that sell musical equipment (zzounds.com, samedaymusic.com, etc).
The church me and Kathy attend has been nice, the teaching's good and the community has been, in general, supportive. We were involved in a house group but that fell through; and my summertime men's group ended so right now we just attend church on Sundays and Kathy has a women's group on Sunday mornings.
My social life out here is dead, and that's sugar-coating it. I have no close friends, I have very little acquaintances, and I am hardly ever invited to go anywhere. However, I don't actually think that is a negative thing! Me and Kathy have had a *lot* of time to work through issues, bond, seek elder's counsel and just spend time with each other. My business has picked up since I left so I get to come home from my web designing job to do more web designing - gotta pay for the wedding!
Speaking of the wedding, things are coming along very smoothly. We have our location for the ceremony and reception paid for, we have our officiant, Kathy's dress and everything is planned out!! I am so relieved to have the hard stuff done with, now I just have to pay for everything - which God is providing for. Kathy will (hopefully) move out of her apartment in December (we need to find a replacement roommate) and I will move in with her after we get married. We will be moving back to California in the summer, most likely in June but that may get pushed back a month or two.
So that's the update! :) Oh, if you are a musician, I can hook you up with some amazing deals on equipment! Let me know what you want from the web site...
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
1 comment:
If you lived in Raleigh I'd have you guys over all the time.
But I would agree that, based on my own experience in Chicago, community can sometimes be hard to find. Hang in there dude!
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