Many of my closest friends back home have all asked me why I am still living in Illinois. There are many good reasons to question my decision to live out here; I've faced many challenges and my spiritual life has been dealt many self-inflicted setbacks. I wanted to post my reasoning for staying out here, they are put in order of most importance:
Reason 1: God's Call
I believe God called me out here; and I believe God gave me a specific date to come back (June of next year). Since I have heard what I interpreted to be God's voice on both occasions, and the commands were very specific, I am obeying. Me and Kathy are moving back in June of next year, the only reason I would move back sooner is if me and Kathy fell into sexual sin (we would need to be apart to purify ourselves for marriage).
Reason 2: Running From My Issues Won't Help
Yes, I have faced many uphill battles out here; and I've lost quite a few. I have been tempted with new pleasures, enticed by new opportunities and teased with new adventures. My actions have resulted in numerous spiritual setbacks and a lot of pain; but if I ran from them I would confront them again in California. God has told me to stay out here, he wants me to fight these battles in an uncomfortable "War Zone" away from my support system. I don't know why, but He does.
Reason 3: I Promised Kathy I Would Stay
I promised Kathy I would stay out here while we were engaged, unless we fell into sexual sin. Period.
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
5 years ago
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